Quick Facts

Locum Tenens in Australia


What do locum tenens assignments in Australia look like? What is included with locum tenens assignments in Australia? Physician compensation for locum tenens jobs in Australia Reasons physicians choose to work locum tenens in Australia Just a few of the benefits of working international locum tenens Things to know before leaving on your Australian assignment Consider Australia for your next international locum tenens adventure

International locum tenens assignments in Australia with Global Medical Staffing (GMS) are available in locations as diverse as the continent itself. With a high demand for doctors in rural and remote areas, it’s a fantastic opportunity to make a meaningful impact on communities in need — all while experiencing the unique landscapes and vibrant culture of Australia.

Discover Australian locum jobs two women walking into the ocean with surfboards

What do locum tenens assignments in Australia look like?

Where are the locum tenens jobs in Australia?

Global Medical Staffing places locum physicians throughout all states and territories in Australia.

How long are locum tenens assignments in Australia?

Due to the length of time it takes to get you registered and the costs involved, most clients in Australia prefer one-year contracts to start. The longer assignment also gives patients the continuity of care they need, particularly those in more rural areas.

Clinical settings in need of locum tenens in Australia

All medical settings need locums physicians:

  • Clinics

  • Hospitals

  • Multi-specialty clinics

  • Urgent care clinics

Physician specialties needed in AustraliaAustralia

Australia needs locum physicians in most specialties, but there’s an especially high demand for family medicine physicians.

See all locum jobs in Australia a woman standing on a rock looking out over a valley

What is included with locum tenens assignments in Australia?


GMS will assist you and the facility with the licensing process. We’ll be there to help you with all the details and walk you through the process of an international license.


GMS will assist you and the facility in securing your visa. This isn’t our first (Australian) rodeo.


GMS or the healthcare facility provides medical malpractice coverage during your assignment. Additionally, lawsuits are less common in Australia than in the U.S. — Australia makes the loser bear the other side’s legal fees, which has been credited with discouraging frivolous litigation.


GMS will assist you with as much credentialing and pre-fill apps as we’re legally allowed to reduce the amount of time you spend on paperwork.

Housing, airfare, and vehicle

Typically, airfare, housing, and car are provided for the duration of a locum assignment, or GMS gives you a stipend to secure your own.

In some cases, the facilities prefer to hire you on as a direct employee rather than as a locum. If this is the case, the compensation you get will be at the higher end of the scale, but the housing and car may not be provided for the entire assignment and will be your responsibility.

a woman looking out of a car window at the beach

Physician compensation for locum tenens jobs in Australia

Depending on the location, pay is similar to what physicians would expect in the U.S.

How do locum tenens physicians get paid in Australia?

GMS pays locum tenens providers weekly, deposited directly into their accounts.

How do locum tenens taxes work in Australia?

As an independent contractor working in Australia, you'll need an Australian Business Number (ABN) and you’ll need to report your income as business income or loss on your tax return. If you pay U.S. tax on your income, you can claim a foreign income tax offset to help account for taxes already paid overseas.

Be sure to read the IRS guidelines for U.S. citizens working abroad to learn more about the tax implications of working internationally, especially as a locum tenens physician. You may want to consult a tax professional or accountant specializing in international taxation.

We know that can sound like a lot, so don’t hesitate to reach out to GMS with any further questions you have. We’re in the business of sorting out tricky logistics, so know you can always lean on our expertise.

How does health insurance work for locum physicians in Australia?

Since locum tenens physicians are independent contractors, GMS does not provide health insurance or typical full-time employee benefits.

You may consider an international travel insurance policy. A range of travel insurance policies exist, including medical coverage that allows you to seek emergency medical care if needed, coverage for preexisting medical conditions, and emergency medical evacuation coverage.

locum tenens faq Sydney Opera House with the Sydney Harbour Bridge in the background

Reasons physicians choose to work locum tenens in Australia

Enjoy better work/life balance

With a more relaxed pace of life and fewer administrative responsibilities, locum tenens physicians practicing in Australia enjoy a better work/life balance.

I had a gynecology practice in the Finger Lakes area of New York, but no life. I went to work early, got home late, had dinner, watched a bit of TV, went to bed, and then did it all again. I told my patients to take care of themselves, but I wasn’t taking care of myself.

- Dr. Kathryn Starkey, OB/GYN

Since coming to Australia, Dr. Kathryn Starkey says she has become more fit and active, adheres to a 9-to-5 workday, and generally leads a more balanced life.

I now have time to read, and I love to get books about the areas where we’re living and dive into them. I learn the history, the geography, everything. It’s fascinating.

- Dr. Kathryn Starkey, OB/GYN

Travel extensively around the continent and region

From the Great Barrier Reef to the rugged Outback, many physicians leverage locum tenens as a toehold to explore the boundless travel potential of this vast continent and as a jumping-off point to other destinations in the region.

Hobart, Tasmania, is a fun, walkable city that’s surrounded by beautiful nature. We were close to waterfalls and giant tree fern forests, and we loved seeing wild animals like wallabies and echidnas on our hikes.

- Dr. Kathryn Starkey, OB/GYN

While on assignment in Tasmania, Dr. Sean Ryan and his family visited Sydney and Melbourne and went scuba diving in the Great Barrier Reef.

While we were there, we also checked out the Cook Islands, Fiji, and Bali. I highly recommend that other doctors take the time to explore Asia before or after an assignment.

- Dr. Sean Ryan, psychiatrist

Sharpen your skills

Practicing medicine in a country with universal healthcare provides a unique opportunity to sharpen one's skills by addressing a diverse range of medical needs and working within a comprehensive, equitable healthcare system.

The ER was a great place to work. Because Australia is a national healthcare system, we had very little ‘social safety net’ to our practice and so we were a real ER. In other words, a very high proportion of our patients had an acute problem that required an acute intervention. We weren’t trying to manage chronic disease that had nowhere else to go (as in the U.S.).

- Dr. Rick Abbott, emergency medicine

Enjoy the rich, natural beauty “Down Under”

Working locum tenens in Australia affords ease of access to some of the planet’s most breathtaking landscapes and richest biodiversity.

The beach is readily accessible, and they are some of the most beautiful beaches I’ve ever seen! The scenery, the beautiful turquoise water, the soft sand, and the beautiful topography in Western Australia with the cliffs and everyone surfing, are stunning. And I love seeing and hearing all of the animals that are so different from the ones in the U.S.

- Dr. Mike Spertus, family medicine physician

a beach with a few rocks and water

Just a few of the benefits of working international locum tenens

  • Learn about and immerse yourself in a new culture

  • Expose your family to new, unique experiences and spend quality time together

  • Mix work and play by exploring the islands in your time away from work

  • Enjoy reduced administrative burden in Australia’s socialized medical system

  • Enjoy the slower pace of living in Australia

  • Explore the natural beauty of a diverse, expansive country

a fenced in field with a sunset in the background

Things to know before leaving on your Australian assignment

Local medical practice and standards

It's essential to familiarize yourself with local medical practices and standards when practicing medicine internationally to ensure effective and culturally sensitive patient care. If you have additional questions, we’re always standing by.

Dress code in Australian hospitals and clinics

Understand and adhere to your healthcare facility’s dress code. Dressing the part is important for maintaining professionalism, feeling comfortable, and respecting local customs.

Pharmacies and personal prescriptions

Come prepared knowing which medicines are and aren’t available locally in Australia. For individuals requiring prescription medications, keep the following conditions in mind:

  • You must be traveling by ship or aircraft

  • The medication must be in your accompanied baggage

  • You must have a valid prescription from your doctor written in English that certifies the medication is for your medical condition

  • The medication must be for your personal use or for an immediate family member traveling with you

  • The medication must be legal in the country you are traveling from

  • The quantity of medication may not exceed a three-month supply

Learn more about the rules and regulations surrounding medicines and substances brought into Australia.


Want to bring a pet along on your international adventure? Some pets are allowed into Australia under strict import conditions that vary by approved country. The process is complex and can be time intensive, so you should start as early as six months before your departure.

Specialized pet transportation services are available to help you know what to expect, make logistical arrangements, and assist in coordinating permits and other customs requirements.

a fenced in field with a sunset in the background

Consider Australia for your next international locum tenens adventure

Locum tenens in Australia provides a distinctive opportunity for both personal and professional development. Dive into the adventure, experience the vibrant Australian culture, and set out on a remarkable journey that can change your life and the lives of the patients you’ll care for.

Australia locum tenens opportunities

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