Quick Facts


Experience international locum tenens with our northern neighbors. Every province has something unique, something inspiring — and quite likely — something perfect for you.

Similar pay to U.S. assignments

Varies by province, but usually over six months

Coverage included. Lawsuits are also less common than in the U.S.


Typically 12 months or more

Usually covered, and includes transportation

Both rural and metropolitan

Canada opportunities


  • Four to six weeks of PTO

    Plus great work\/life balance

  • More time for patients

    Fewer medical billing hassles

  • Range of practice settings

    Facilities in urban and rural areas

Locales, schedules, shifts, and patient loads will vary with each opportunity. Wherever you choose to practice, you’ll add diversity to your CV and help a community in need, all while experiencing a different healthcare system and a stunningly beautiful country.

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