
Experience the underground oddities of Coober Pedy

Locum tenens looking for a unique destination during a trip to South Australia won't want to miss Coober Pedy, an old opal mining town situated in the heart of the Outback.

In addition to its significant number of sparkling opals, Coober Pedy is famous for its myriad of underground structures. Given its location in the middle of the desert, the hamlet is often struck with blisteringly hot temperatures. In an effort to beat the heat, the town's residents went beneath the surface, digging homes and other facilities (including hotels) into the earth itself.

Some of the most interesting underground structures are the town's churches. These attractions fulfill many of the same functions as regular above-ground churches, but they give visitors a chance to enjoy an entirely different kind of religious experience.

Those who aren't as inclined to visit a church may want to consider playing a round at Coober Pedy's unique golf course. Because of the dry conditions, the course has no grass, and duffers must carry around small squares of turf in order to tee off. In addition, the heat makes golfing nearly impossible during the day, so visitors often golf at night using glow-in-the-dark balls.