
Help preserve the natural beauty of Tasmania's Styx Valley

Though the unique culture and cuisine of the South Pacific draw countless adventurers to Australasia each year, it's fair to say that the region's natural wonders have inspired many travelers in their own right. When you take a medical job in Australia you can actually get involved in the preservation of one of the area's most cherished natural wonders, Styx Valley.

Located in the south of Tasmania, Styx Valley is home to one of the largest temperate wet eucalypt forests in the world—itself, home to many of the planet's tallest flowering plants. Despite this reputation for tall and strong plants—or perhaps because of it—the valley has been the site of one of the most hotly contested environmental debates in the country.

The valley is a common target for the local logging industry, which regularly draws resources from the edge of its forests. As such, environmental organizations like Greenpeace and the Tasmanian Wilderness Society have taken up the fight to help keep this swath of wilderness wild and green.

Though the issue remains shrouded in controversy, one thing you can be certain of is that you will still want to check out the towering forests of the Styx Valley. Whether you enjoy hiking, trekking or simply taking in the sites, the valley is a great place to become one with nature.