
See the Southern Cross for the first time in Victoria

The Eureka Rebellion is a historic tale that Aussies are familiar with, but seeing it firsthand through Blood on the Southern Cross is a more exciting way to learn about this pivotal moment in the nation's history. When you take a medical job in Australia, you can visit Sovereign Hill in Victoria and watch the story unfold in a spectacular sound and light show.

The battle took place on December 3, 1854, between British government forces and gold miners who were angry over unfair gold taxes. "Rebel" miners diverted their loyalty away from traditional government and—in a sign of defiance—erected the Southern Cross flag.

The event is the most significant conflict in Victoria's colonial history. In the reenactment, no actors are involved—just stunning special effects accompanied by a narration. You'll get to watch the burning of the Eureka Hotel, as well as enjoy a pre-show dinner complete with complimentary beer and wine. The service also provides accommodation at the Sovereign Hill Lodge for those who wish to stay overnight during their visit.