
Go on a whale and dolphin watching trip in New Zealand's Hauraki Gulf

Though the waters off the coast of Auckland are best known for its vast array of boats and yachts of various sizes, locum tenens in New Zealand should take time to explore the astounding range of life forms beneath the surface.

The best way to do this is on a dophin and whale watching tour through the Hauraki Gulf. Here, you can get away from the hustle and bustle of the city and unwind in the more remote areas of the gulf, which are dotted with islands of various sizes, all teeming with life.

Once you're far enough away from the coast, you may start to see bottlenose and common dolphins swim up along the boat, playing and splashing occupants with water during one of the jumps and somersaults they're famous for. Small pods of the bottlenose variety, one of the most recognizable species of dolphins, will be visible along the bays of the gulf. And while they're far more rare and less gregarious with humans, the majestic orca is also seen every now and then in Hauraki Gulf.

The highlight of any trip to Auckland's gulf is a glimpse of a Bryde's whale—a 50 foot giant that can weigh up to 55,000 pounds. The whales have an unmistakable grayish blue color with a white underbelly, so don’t forget your camera—you don’t want to miss out on capturing an image of this magnificent creature.