Did you know over 85% of the world's maple syrup is produced in Canada, with almost 95% of that coming from the Canadian province of Quebec? Suffice it to say, Quebeckers are aficionados. They refer to imitation syrups as sirop de Poteau or pole syrup because—as the joke goes—they're the product of tapping telephone poles. Here are a few more intriguing facts about "liquid gold":
- Canadians have a global strategic maple syrup reserve with about 13,000 tons controlled by the Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Producers.
- Residents of Quebec consume maple syrup at a rate 145 times greater than the global average.
- It takes 30-50 gallons of sap from a sugar maple to make one gallon of syrup.
- A maple syrup facility in St. Louis-de-Blandford, Quebec was recently the target of a large scale criminal operation—the Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist—where thieves stole over 6 million gallons worth $18 million.
- The new plastic $100 bills smell like maple syrup but government officials claim this was unintentional.
Canadians clearly have an affinity for maple syrup. So if you take a healthcare job here don't expect anything but the real deal on your morning stack.