Doc” Rick Abbott rides again (part 1)”

William Richard “Rick” Abbott, MD, is an ER doctor who loves a challenge. He met his wife, Jean, on his first day of medical school‚Äîwhen he was assigned to a cadaver with her‚Äîand 42 years later they’re still colleagues, friends and lovers (TMI?). He’s a clinical professor at the University of Colorado where, if our […]

All work and no play makes Bentch a dull doctor

Nowhere in Dr. Leonard Bentch’s CV does it mention his knack for writing, but his talents extend well beyond Internal Medicine. A retired physician, Dr. Bentch was sailing the Caribbean when he received a call that took him on a six-month locum adventure with his wife, Sue. He recently put his many remembrances to paper, […]

Mister” Bentch goes to NZ: A locum Down Under Part II”

Nowhere in Dr. Leonard Bentch’s CV does it mention his knack for writing, but his talents extend well beyond Internal Medicine. A retired physician, Dr. Bentch was sailing the Caribbean when he received a call that took him on a six-month locum adventure with his wife, Sue. He recently put his many remembrances to paper, […]