
New city, new adventure – what to do after you've unpacked your bags

Moving to a new city is so exciting that it can be a little overwhelming. What should you do first? Will you make new friends? Where are the best places to dine, drink, hike and hang out? The only answer we know definitively is whether you'll make new friends (you will), but we do have a few hints to help you answer your other questions. Immersing yourself in a new culture is a marathon, not a sprintand the best thing about a locum tenens assignment? You've got more time than you think.

Think like a tourist

Most folks won't advise you to act like a tourist when you move to a new city, we knowbut hear us out on this one. There's a reason some landmarks are popular with visitors, and it's easy to put expeditions to these sort of places on the back burner when you feel like you've got unlimited time to explore them. Do as the tourists do the first few weeks, and you'll find that becoming a local is that much easier.

Take a cooking class

Food is one of the greatest pleasures in life, and many people find themselves exploring the world far and wide to sample the fare of foreign cultures. While you can (and should) visit as many local restaurants as possible, you can do one better by learning how to cook your new city's cuisine. Not only will you be able to make all the fantastic food you tried when you return home, but you'll probably make quite a few friends to boot.

Find a language partner

If you aren't fluent in the native language but want to try your hand at it, working with a language partner is an awesome way to do it. Not only is it a little faster than trying to teach yourself with a textbook, but it's way more fun. As a bonus, your language partner will probably know quite a bit about your new home and be able to give you advice you'd never hear otherwise.

Head to the public market

Nearly every major city in the world has a public market, and it's one of the best places to get a taste (literally and figuratively) of the local flavor. You'll be able to meet new folks, try new food, pick up new trinkets and find new souvenirs to send to friends and family back home. They're like little microcosms of the city or country you're living in. How's that for an introduction?

Wander aimlessly

While there's a time and a place for heading out on the town with a purpose, there's something to be said for wandering just for the sake of, well, wandering. You'll find things you never expected to see, and it's a great way to introduce yourself to your city after you've visited all the requisite tourist attractions. 

The best advice we can give you about exploring a brand-new city? Think of it like the adventure it is.