
Be the last to say farewell to the sun at Shark Bay

On the east coast of Australia, you can revel in the fact that you're one of the very last people in the world to see the sun set over the Pacific Ocean. The Shark Bay region is the westernmost point in all of the Land Down Under, and while any spot is a fantastic locale to watch the fiery array of colors in the sky, the best place to sit when you take a medical job in Australia is atop the bay's Steep Hill, the highest point in the region.

Aside from the sunset, Shark Bay is brimming with endemic treasures that make the spot such a joy for traveling adventure seekers. Many rare creatures can only be found here because of its secluded habitats on islands and peninsulas.

The western barred bandicoot, also known as the marl, earned its name because of its unusually striped fur, with alternating bars of pale and dark shades of beige covering its hind legs. The small marsupial's pouch faces backwards, which is convenient when the animal digs in the dirt, as it prevents any from getting inside.

On your trip, the only thing you must remember to bring is your camera to capture the brilliant golden sunset.