
Come and visit the world's steepest street in New Zealand

If you thought the hills of San Francisco were steep, you won’t believe your eyes when you're on locum assignment in New Zealand and see Dunedin’s Baldwin Street.

This is because Baldwin is considered the world’s steepest street, with a maximum slope of about 19 degrees. Fortunately, this span of concrete is short, at just 1,150 feet.

As was the case with many streets in New Zealand, Baldwin was planned with little consideration for its natural terrain. As a result, Dunedin ended up with an extremely steep stretch of road up the northern side of Dunedin’s Signal Hill.

Today, Baldwin Street is quite famous. Although drivers are encouraged not to head up this road, some Kiwis just can’t resist. If you want to take in the amazing view from the top of the street, then you can always walk. Just be advised that it will take you approximately 10 minutes.

Fortunately, there is a drinking fountain at the top of Baldwin Street where you, and any other people crazy enough to conquer this hill, can quench your thirst. 

Also, check out this video of a jaffa (New Zealand candy) race on Baldwin Street.