
Experience an aroma overload during Western Australia's wildflower season

Sure, sunflowers, daisies and tulips are pretty, but Australia's diverse species of flora have got them all beat. Taking a medical job in Australia means your appreciation for the beauty of the wilderness will increase tenfold, and part of this is because of the unique wildflowers you'll see all over the country. During your travels through Western Australia, your eyes—and nose—will be overwhelmed by the array of colors and scents you'll find covering the landscape.

Because of the naturally warmer climate, this portion of Australia is home to pink, yellow, green, red and orange wildflowers all year long. Still, the best time you could visit the flowery haven is from June to November, when 12,000 species show their brilliant colors across hundreds of rolling hills.

It might do some good to bring along an Australian nature guide or pamphlet, which you can collect at any visitors' center throughout the region. These brochures can help you point out pink boronias, orange banksias and magenta paperbark blossoms, all of which can only be found in the Land Down Under.

The area also boasts an array of marked trails and even hosts guided tours so you can fully explore the blossoming plants like an expert horticulturist.