
Explore the flowery lands of Girraween National Park

To see a region of Australia with spectacular color, diverse landscapes and abundant opportunities to explore, head to the "place of flowers," otherwise known as Girraween National Park in Queensland. Brimming with yellow, purple and red pea flowers, orchids and golden wattles, the stretch of land will be one of the most memorable places you'll visit when you take a medical job in Australia.

While many times of year yield a vibrant display of color in the park, the spring season—September and October—is your best bet to be blinded by stunning hues. Not only will you find an outburst of native wildflowers, you'll get a chance to spot some of the local animals of the region as well. Kookaburras and currawongs, both common birds in Australia, can be seen with one glance upward, and kangaroos and possums will likely come within feet of you, as they're accustomed to seeing people venturing throughout the campground areas.

The park has recently seen the development of a new track to the highest point in the park, Mt. Norman. Passing through forest and shrubs, you'll arrive at the rocky mountain base before starting the climb to as close to the peak as the park allows.