
Follow the Light Trail in Lobethal

If you enjoy driving around during the holidays to see all the festive lights that neighbors have adorned their homes with, then you'll be happy to learn that you can continue to do this while in Australia on locum assignment.

Each December, Lobethal, a town in South Australia, brightens up for the holidays during the Lights of Lobethal Festival. This annual tradition has its roots in the 1950s, when shops in the area would paint light bulbs with diluted turpentine. Today, business and home owners get into the holiday spirit and people come from far and wide to appreciate their decorating efforts. In 2005 alone, the event was said to attract more than 250,000 visitors from around the world.

As more and more people make a visit to Lobethal a part of their holiday plans, the town has created a Light Trail map so visitors know exactly where to go to get the best views of the festival's sights.

This event has also evolved past simply showcasing holiday decorations and now features markets, a Christmas tree festival and many more community festivities.