
Locum 101: Finding comfort food while you're living down under

Moving down under can be the adventure of a lifetime, but sometimes all a locum wants is a little reminder of home. Here are a few tips on where to find good old-fashioned American comfort foods while living in New Zealand or Australia.

Whether it's candy like Twizzlers or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or snack foods like Pop Tarts and Twinkies, loucm tenens may have a difficult time finding their favorite junk food while living in New Zealand. Kiwis have not developed a taste for many snacks that Americans hold dear, and consequently few stores stock these items. The best bet for locums is to check out stores in the country's international airports; barring that, the easiest way to get food from home is to have a loved one send a care package.

Americans in Australia luckily have an easier time getting snacks near and dear to their heart. Many grocery stores carry a limited selection of U.S.-made goodies, and multiple American restaurant chains have a presence here. Moreover, there are several Aussie-based websites that sell foreign candy, including popular treats like Reese's cups.