
Meet fellow runners in Melbourne, Australia

Even though you're in a whole new territory when you take a medical job in Australia, that doesn't mean that your typical fitness routine has to change or disappear. Running through the streets of whichever city you reside in can be the perfect way to stay in shape and get to know your new surroundings. Luckily for you, most Aussies value staying physically fit and healthy as well, so you can join dozens of other people in a number of top-rated running clubs organized by members of the community.

Melbourne Running Meetup
boasts about 729 members and hosts organize runs in a variety of locations throughout central Melbourne. Typically, the group trots on the city pavement or park trails on Wednesday evenings or Sunday mornings, so you can pick whichever works best with your professional schedule.

Another popular club in Melbourne is the New Moon House Hash Harriers. This tongue twister of a name is based on the time of day that the group runs: the time of the new moon. It's rapidly growing as one of the more popular running groups, perhaps because its once-a-month Saturday jogs begin and end at a city pub.