
New Zealand's best selling novels bring peace to the island

One of the best ways to relax while surrounded by unparalleled, breathtaking views is by losing yourself in a good book. Whether it's a historical book of photography, a thrilling fiction novel or a shocking firsthand account from a local author, the writers of New Zealand have some stories to share.

Vanda Symon, the "Queen of Crime" from Dunedin, New Zealand, presents island readers with her debatedly best novel yet, "Bound." Debuting at the number one position on the New Zealand Adult Fiction Bestsellers List, the suspense novel features her famous character, Detective Sam Shephard, and opens with a brutal home invasion, keeping readers on the edge of their seat from the first page.

Being new to a stunning island like New Zealand can feel overwhelming at first, but picking up a copy of "New Zealand: The Real Middle Earth" can help you discover the hidden gems and beautiful enclaves of the land while on your locum assignment. Separated into three geological sections, the highly pictorial book features the scenery that played a vital role in the Lord of the Rings film trilogy.

An unforgettable local read that may leave you lost in thought for days to follow is "Behind Closed Doors." Written by Ngaire Thomas, the book provides a firsthand account of Thomas' intimate experience within the Exclusive Brethren, a select New Zealand group who believe they are chosen to maintain the only pure path of Christianity. On a quiet day during your locum assignment on the island, try finding your favorite scenic view of the rugged mountains, tropical forests or sandy beaches and hide away with one of these great local reads.