
New Zealand's Northland: No winter coats allowed

At the very top of New Zealand is a section of the country that many overlook, making it a prized treasure for those who do take the journey north of Auckland. Coined the "Winterless North," Northland is a territory filled with ancient Maori history, diverse landscapes and secluded beaches, where even 10 people sunbathing would be considered a crowd. When you take a medical job in New Zealand, you can enjoy all of Northland's unique treasures.

With one look out to sea from Bream Bay, you'll realize how well worth it your journey northward was. This is where all of Aotearoa's natural treasures come together, including rolling green pastures, the sparkling Pacific waters and the Whangarei Heads, which stretch out at the northern end of Bream Bay. Only a few minutes from these scenic lookout points is Piroa Falls, another natural wonder that will remind you how lucky you are to be residing in this country.

To really get a feel for the north, head to the northernmost point of Northland, Cape Reinga. You'll get to view the beautiful lighthouse on the coastal tip, which notifies passing ships that they've reached the Land of the Long White Cloud.