
Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park to introduce bird show auditorium

You now have one more reason to visit Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park while you’re on locum assignment in New Zealand.

Officials from the attraction recently announced that construction on the new free-flight bird show auditorium is complete.

Through this auditorium, Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park will have bird shows that are both entertaining and educational. The stars of these performances include macaws, galahs, an Amazon parrot and a cockatoo.

These winged performers are well-trained. When you attend a show, you'll sit in a tiered seating arena and watch as the birds fly to different points on command. Charlie, a sulphur-crested cockatoo, has already been trained to pick a coin out of someone’s hand and put it in a money box.

"The birds are progressing well and we are looking forward to giving park visitors the opportunity to see these magnificent creatures flying free like they do in the wild," Mark Paterson, Rainbow Springs’ manager said.

Check out the Rainbow Springs Kiwi Wildlife Park's Facebook page for more info.