
Relax in the famous Rotorua Blue Baths of New Zealand

Everyone needs a day of relaxation every once in a while. When you're on your locum assignment in New Zealand you can visit one of the ultimate destinations for rest and leisure since 1933—The Blue Baths.

The Blue Baths, located in Rotorua, are geo-thermally heated freshwater swimming facilities: the Juvenile Pool, which is set at 86 degrees Fahrenheit, and the two hot soaks which remain around 99-108 degrees.

While they do help individuals relax and find inner peace, they've always been more of a recreational outlet rather than a medicinal need. One of the baths' primary purposes when it first opened in the '30s was to attract more tourists to the country, and it worked. The spas allured many of the most glamorous and attractive Hollywood stars as well as those who mingled with them.

Today, the baths are still in the same conditions as they were in their first years, with the addition of a historic museum that used to be the men's changing rooms. Before sinking into the steaming waters, you can walk through the converted dressing area and view short films and galleries that portray tales of swimmers, divers and prominent personalities who used the pools in their heyday.

Also, swing by The Blue Baths Facebook page for an update on all their events.