
See the best views of Whangaroa Harbour from St. Paul's Rock

If you take a medical job in New Zealand you should certainly make the time to journey to Whangaroa Harbour. With tranquil blue waters and remnants of ancient volcanoes that jut up from the sea, the harbor is a must-see for anyone hoping to absorb some of New Zealand's breathtaking beauty during their time in the country.

While Whangaroa Harbour is gorgeous from just about any vantage point, the best way to capture its full beauty is by making the climb to St. Paul's Rock, an old volcanic plug. This area was frequented by the Maori people for many years, but it was actually the Europeans who gave it this name. When the harbor was discovered in 1807, European explorers saw the dome-shaped rock and were immediately reminded of their beloved St. Paul's cathedral, therefore giving the stone its famous name.

To reach the trail leading to St. Paul's Rock, head to Whangaroa's Hospital Road, which offers parking and access to St. Paul's Track. Although there are chain handrails to help visitors on the steepest parts on the trail, hikers should keep in mind that in certain spots, the track is rocky and can be quite the climb.

Once you reach the top—and catch your breath—the views are worth the climb.