
Tackle Mauao volcano and learn about Maori culture

One of the biggest perks for locum tenens working in New Zealand is the ability to explore and learn about the native Maori people.

This tribe has many unique and beautiful customs that have made them one of the most interesting aboriginal groups in the world, and travelers can help gain a better understanding of these people by climbing the extinct volcano of Mauao in Mount Maunganui.

Mauao is one of the Maori people's most important natural landmarks, featuring prominently in the local mythology. The mountain was once far inland but wished to throw itself into the Ocean, enlisting the aid of night spirits named Patupaiarehe to do so. Unfortunately, sunrise came too early, and the spirits were forced to abandon the mountain just short of its destination—and earning it the name Mauao, which means 'caught by the dawn.'

The peak rises 232 meters above the nearby beaches and offers travelers an unbeatable view of Taraunga Harbour and White Island. It's also covered in native plant life, including the beautiful red blooming Pohutakawa tree. This beautiful green mountain proves a fitting challenge for beginning climbers and offers visitors a spiritual connection to Maori culture.