
The platypus: a very special Australian

While it may seem like just another of Australia's unique animals, the platypus is quite the creature. The species looks like a cross-breed of a duck and beaver and is found in eastern parts of Australia, such as Tasmania, New South Wales and Queensland. When you take a medical job in Australia, you can find platypus by visiting small streams and large rivers in these regions, from the highest mountains to the lowest coastal plains.

You're more likely to find them at night, or more specifically, the hours before sunset or just after dawn, according to the Australian Platypus Conservancy. Sometimes, females with young offspring feed in the water for up to 17 hours a day, making your chances of catching this funny-looking, furry friend much higher.

When you think you've spotted the coveted creature, be as still as possible. Any sudden or loud movement can startle these animals away and cost you a photograph. Don't fret though, even some native Aussies have yet to see this wondrous creature in its natural habitat. If you have no luck in the wild, you can also find these animals at a wildlife park or zoo.