
Bake Pavlova to savor some sweet flavor

You don’t hear "ballerina" and "dessert" thrown around in the same sentence too often, unless you’re talking about Pavlova—a popular treat in New Zealand and Australia.

This meringue-based dessert gets its name from Anna Pavlova, a Russian ballerina who performed in venues around the world during the 19th and 20th centuries. The Pavlova dessert was created in the dancer’s honor when she visited the South Pacific countries in the 1920s.

To this day, disagreement over which country was responsible for the creation of Pavlova rages, but many believe that New Zealand is the dish’s true birthplace.

When you sample this sweet treat during your locum assignment in either New Zealand or Australia, you’ll bite through a crisp and crunchy crust to get to the dessert’s soft and light center. Pavlova is typically topped off with whipped cream and berries or fruit.

The recipe for Pavlova is simple enough to try out, just make sure you let it cool in the oven after it’s finished baking, or you’ll be dealing with a deflated dessert (and perhaps a deflated ego). If baking isn't your thing, just head to the local supermarket for a Pavlova. You’ll have an even easier time picking one up around the holidays—they're fixtures on dinner tables during festive occasions.